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Polish Briefing: The degree of mining restructuring does not change

What goes on in Poland on the 9th of October.

Emilewicz: Polish startups can solve world’s energy problems

The world faces a big energy challenge: how to spare, store and use it when it is needed. This can be solved by Polish startups – said the vice-minister of development Jadwiga Emilewicz.

.-Solving problems of demand, sparing and using energy in a way that would be attractive for next generations is a global challenge. Polish energy companies face problems of gathering energy to use it in times of the highest energy consumption – said Jadwiga Emilewicz to MarketNews24.

Tchórzewski: The degree of mining restructuring does not change

Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski said in Katowice on Friday that the degree of mining restructuring does not change, as an answer towards doubts of miners’ labour unions’ fears of the future of  Polish Mining Group (PGG)

Minister Tchórzewski, vice-minister Tobiszowski and heads of biggest coal companies met the representatives of coal miners’ labour unions. The subject of the meetings were future of coal mining and questions about climate and energy policy, energy mix and capacity market.

Lately, miners’ Solidarity sent two letters to prime minister Szydło with a request to meet the miners’ labour unions.

Labour unions are worried of the future of coal mining and energy based on coal, they also want a firm rejection of press releases about potential division of PGG mines among group’s shareholding energy companies.

Russians want to oppose Denmark. Nord Stream 2 might be longer and more expensive

Nord Stream 2 AG company has worked out an alternate route of a pipeline from Germany to Russia. Nord Stream 2 in this variation would completely evade the Danish territory. New route would be 10 kilometers longer than the one planned earlier. It was designed in case Denmark forbids building the pipeline within its territorial waters.

The Danish government proposed a change in legislation to reject projects of pipelines within Danish territorial waters because of foreign and security policy. Now, an application can be rejected only by the Danish Energy Agency because of a serious threat for the environment.

Until now, the government rated the applications by accordance with environmental law only. Political and security conditions were not taken into consideration. Thanks to new law it is supposed to change.

What goes on in Poland on the 9th of October.

Emilewicz: Polish startups can solve world’s energy problems

The world faces a big energy challenge: how to spare, store and use it when it is needed. This can be solved by Polish startups – said the vice-minister of development Jadwiga Emilewicz.

.-Solving problems of demand, sparing and using energy in a way that would be attractive for next generations is a global challenge. Polish energy companies face problems of gathering energy to use it in times of the highest energy consumption – said Jadwiga Emilewicz to MarketNews24.

Tchórzewski: The degree of mining restructuring does not change

Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski said in Katowice on Friday that the degree of mining restructuring does not change, as an answer towards doubts of miners’ labour unions’ fears of the future of  Polish Mining Group (PGG)

Minister Tchórzewski, vice-minister Tobiszowski and heads of biggest coal companies met the representatives of coal miners’ labour unions. The subject of the meetings were future of coal mining and questions about climate and energy policy, energy mix and capacity market.

Lately, miners’ Solidarity sent two letters to prime minister Szydło with a request to meet the miners’ labour unions.

Labour unions are worried of the future of coal mining and energy based on coal, they also want a firm rejection of press releases about potential division of PGG mines among group’s shareholding energy companies.

Russians want to oppose Denmark. Nord Stream 2 might be longer and more expensive

Nord Stream 2 AG company has worked out an alternate route of a pipeline from Germany to Russia. Nord Stream 2 in this variation would completely evade the Danish territory. New route would be 10 kilometers longer than the one planned earlier. It was designed in case Denmark forbids building the pipeline within its territorial waters.

The Danish government proposed a change in legislation to reject projects of pipelines within Danish territorial waters because of foreign and security policy. Now, an application can be rejected only by the Danish Energy Agency because of a serious threat for the environment.

Until now, the government rated the applications by accordance with environmental law only. Political and security conditions were not taken into consideration. Thanks to new law it is supposed to change.

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