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Polish Briefing: European Parliament is against building Nord Stream 2

What goes on in Poland on the 15th of September.

Capacity market bill has fallen out of parliament’s works schedule

Firs reading of a governmental project of capacity market bill had been planned for the 15th of September. The schedule of the seating predicted 5 minutes long statements for each fraction and energy minister’s justification. However, in actual schedule of Sejm’s works available on the Internet, this subject is not listed.

The project of the bill was guided to first reading on the 10th of July.

Decision concerning Polish nuclear power plant on the turn of this year

There are strong preparations, but there is no final decision yet. We are working on social consultations, and there’s always a way to withdraw from this decision – said Henryk Kowalczyk, head of Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers. – A final, firm decision will be made by the end of this year.

Nothing is planned yet, but none decision can be excluded, because the market shows directions and enables bargains. There is a big need for investments in energy sector – he added.

European Parliament is against building Nord Stream 2

A debate about giving European Commission a mandate to negotiate construction of Nord Stream 2 took place on Thursday in the European Parliament. Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy said that the European Commission „will not support projects like Nord Stream 2, that will never be in our common interest”.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski (PiS) convinced that Nord Stream 2 is contrary to basic European values. – The Commission show more boldness towards those anti-European projects – he said.

Prof. Jerzy Buzek from European People’s Party said that there have already been three discussions about Nord Stream 2, but conclusions were always the same; a big majority of the Parliament is against, because it doesn’t fulfill conditions and EU rules.

Another step to LNG terminal with Orlen’s shares

Pieridae Energy Limited, owner of Goldsboro LNG project has obtained 50 million dollars for environmental and engineering works which are supposed to make shareholders make an investment decision on building the only export LNG terminal on Canadian eastern coast. PKN Orlen who is a also a shareholder is reserve about its perspectives.

At the end of 2015 Upstream Canada belonging to PKN Orlen took over a canadian company Kicking Horse Energy. This company owned 10,7 per cent shares in the project Goldsboro LNG realized by Pieridae Energy. The Canadian company bought grounds for building a new terminal in Nova Scotia. What is crucial, in February 2016 American Energy Department gave agreement to export LNG to countries not covered by free trade deals with the US.

What goes on in Poland on the 15th of September.

Capacity market bill has fallen out of parliament’s works schedule

Firs reading of a governmental project of capacity market bill had been planned for the 15th of September. The schedule of the seating predicted 5 minutes long statements for each fraction and energy minister’s justification. However, in actual schedule of Sejm’s works available on the Internet, this subject is not listed.

The project of the bill was guided to first reading on the 10th of July.

Decision concerning Polish nuclear power plant on the turn of this year

There are strong preparations, but there is no final decision yet. We are working on social consultations, and there’s always a way to withdraw from this decision – said Henryk Kowalczyk, head of Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers. – A final, firm decision will be made by the end of this year.

Nothing is planned yet, but none decision can be excluded, because the market shows directions and enables bargains. There is a big need for investments in energy sector – he added.

European Parliament is against building Nord Stream 2

A debate about giving European Commission a mandate to negotiate construction of Nord Stream 2 took place on Thursday in the European Parliament. Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy said that the European Commission „will not support projects like Nord Stream 2, that will never be in our common interest”.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski (PiS) convinced that Nord Stream 2 is contrary to basic European values. – The Commission show more boldness towards those anti-European projects – he said.

Prof. Jerzy Buzek from European People’s Party said that there have already been three discussions about Nord Stream 2, but conclusions were always the same; a big majority of the Parliament is against, because it doesn’t fulfill conditions and EU rules.

Another step to LNG terminal with Orlen’s shares

Pieridae Energy Limited, owner of Goldsboro LNG project has obtained 50 million dollars for environmental and engineering works which are supposed to make shareholders make an investment decision on building the only export LNG terminal on Canadian eastern coast. PKN Orlen who is a also a shareholder is reserve about its perspectives.

At the end of 2015 Upstream Canada belonging to PKN Orlen took over a canadian company Kicking Horse Energy. This company owned 10,7 per cent shares in the project Goldsboro LNG realized by Pieridae Energy. The Canadian company bought grounds for building a new terminal in Nova Scotia. What is crucial, in February 2016 American Energy Department gave agreement to export LNG to countries not covered by free trade deals with the US.

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