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Polish Briefing: Zapad’17 is supposed to show Russia’s power. Will Germany decline Nord Stream 2 after the election?

What goes on in Poland on the 1st of September.

Boćkowski: Zapad’17 is supposed to show Russia’s power

Zapad’17 is to prove that NATO has a strong opponent in the East. The more activities strengthening NATO’s eastern flank, the more spectacular Zapad’17 may turn out – claims Daniel Boćkowski PhD from the University of Białystok – Even though Russia had invited three NATO observers, the final scale of maneuvers and arms engaged is unknown.

The expert continues: – Military maneuvers are natural. Apart from that Russians informed about them appropriately earlier. The point is to observe the way that they lead their activities and point what is an actual sign of strength and what is supposed to conceal other activities that might be done in the meantime. Without a doubt everybody will carefully watch those maneuvers. Such military practices right at the NATO border are a clear political signal for the Western world.

Kojala: Breaking free from Russia. Poland and Lithuania are waiting from Latvia and Estonia

US LNG delivery arrived in the Lithuanian terminal in the end of August. Along with Poland, where American gas had arrived already in June, Lithuania initiated transatlantic energetic cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe – writes Linas Kojala, headmaster of Eastern European Studies in Vilnius.

Until recently Gazprom was the only gas supplier to Lithuania for the highest price among all European countries. Now Lithuania has an LNG terminal and a strong negotiation position. The Klaipeda terminal carries a name „Independence” not without a reason.

Will Germany decline Nord Stream 2 after the election?

– If Russia’s aggressive policy doesn’t change, we will have to decline Nord Stream 2 – says the leader of FDP (Free Democratic Party) Christian Lindner, a liberal party that might be in a governmental coalition after a possible victory of Angela Merkel’s christian democrats.

According to a daily Deutschlandfunk, parliamentary election in Germany will be a deciding factor for Nord Stream 2. Green Party and its leader Reinhard Butikofer are also against building the pipeline. – Negotiations with the Russian Federation are necessary – he claims. Head of Bundestag’s foreign policy commission Norbert Rotten (CDU) and his party colleague in the European Parliament Elmar Brok share this opinion.

They criticized Schröder for his plans in Rosneft. Right before the election, criticism towards Nord Stream 2 and Gazprom rises.

– We have to be aware that energy policy has also got its security aspect. One foreign company cannot play a dominant role on the market – said Brok – Before the election we’ll have to discuss this topic openly and honestly.

What goes on in Poland on the 1st of September.

Boćkowski: Zapad’17 is supposed to show Russia’s power

Zapad’17 is to prove that NATO has a strong opponent in the East. The more activities strengthening NATO’s eastern flank, the more spectacular Zapad’17 may turn out – claims Daniel Boćkowski PhD from the University of Białystok – Even though Russia had invited three NATO observers, the final scale of maneuvers and arms engaged is unknown.

The expert continues: – Military maneuvers are natural. Apart from that Russians informed about them appropriately earlier. The point is to observe the way that they lead their activities and point what is an actual sign of strength and what is supposed to conceal other activities that might be done in the meantime. Without a doubt everybody will carefully watch those maneuvers. Such military practices right at the NATO border are a clear political signal for the Western world.

Kojala: Breaking free from Russia. Poland and Lithuania are waiting from Latvia and Estonia

US LNG delivery arrived in the Lithuanian terminal in the end of August. Along with Poland, where American gas had arrived already in June, Lithuania initiated transatlantic energetic cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe – writes Linas Kojala, headmaster of Eastern European Studies in Vilnius.

Until recently Gazprom was the only gas supplier to Lithuania for the highest price among all European countries. Now Lithuania has an LNG terminal and a strong negotiation position. The Klaipeda terminal carries a name „Independence” not without a reason.

Will Germany decline Nord Stream 2 after the election?

– If Russia’s aggressive policy doesn’t change, we will have to decline Nord Stream 2 – says the leader of FDP (Free Democratic Party) Christian Lindner, a liberal party that might be in a governmental coalition after a possible victory of Angela Merkel’s christian democrats.

According to a daily Deutschlandfunk, parliamentary election in Germany will be a deciding factor for Nord Stream 2. Green Party and its leader Reinhard Butikofer are also against building the pipeline. – Negotiations with the Russian Federation are necessary – he claims. Head of Bundestag’s foreign policy commission Norbert Rotten (CDU) and his party colleague in the European Parliament Elmar Brok share this opinion.

They criticized Schröder for his plans in Rosneft. Right before the election, criticism towards Nord Stream 2 and Gazprom rises.

– We have to be aware that energy policy has also got its security aspect. One foreign company cannot play a dominant role on the market – said Brok – Before the election we’ll have to discuss this topic openly and honestly.

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