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Jakóbik: declassify the NIK report on the gas contract with Russia

The Sieci weekly confirmed the concerns about the inaccuracies which plagued the Yamal contract negotiations for deliveries of Russian gas to Poland. It is...

Polish Briefing: EU directive will force Poland to modernize power plants. Gazprom worried about US gas

What goes on in Poland on the 29th of August. EU directive will force Poland to modernize power plants  The majority of Polish power plants do...

PISM: Gas Security in the Pipeline – Expectations and Realities

The cooperation between Norway and Poland in the energy sector has recently taken very tangible shape. In 2016, Poland decided to launch the Northern...

CEEP: Brussels and Nord Stream 2. Intergovernmental agreement – the way out of a deadlock?

While analysing the relation between Nord Stream 2 (NS2) and European policy making, the reference point should be the statement of the German Vice-Chancellor,...

Baca-Pogorzelska: carbon lies have no legs

Putting lipstick on the mining pig is now at full throttle and I guess nobody but me actually cares. I am only wondering what...

Polish Briefing: Poland will run out of coal. Russians are rubbing their hands with glee

What goes on in Poland on the 21st of August. Poland will run out of coal. Russians are rubbing their hands with glee Because of the...

HCSS: The Geo-economic Implications of China’s New Silk Road

China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) project was formally introduced by Chinese President Xi-Jinping in 2013. The project, aimed at integrating trade and investment...

„Nuclear hysteria in Poland.” Russian media escalate the dispute over the atom with Belarus.

Jurij Barańczyk editor at the propaganda portal Regnum critized the statement made by the Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski on the contraversial nuclear power...

Polish Briefing: What is the future of hard coal? Government’s new plans.

What goes on in Poland on the 16th of August. What is the future of hard coal? Government's new plans. The government is preparing an energy...

Wasilewski: Poland buys increasingly more oil from other sources than Russia. Possible deliveries to Belarus (interview)

Expansion of the oil terminal, future of the Odessa-Brody-Gdańsk oil pipeline and a reverse flow on the oil pipeline between Poland and Belarus -...

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