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Infrastructure / Innovations

Nowoczesny, piętrowy pociąg wyprodukowany w Chorzowie wyjechał do Niemiec. Czy będzie też kursował w Polsce?

Pierwszy dwupoziomowy pociąg Coradia Max wyjechał z zakładu Alstom w Chorzowie i trafił na testy do Niemiec. PKP Intercity także planuje korzystanie z tych...

Dokumentacja atomu na Pomorzu będzie kosztować kilkanaście miliardów złotych

Koszt dokumentacji pierwszej polskiej elektrowni jądrowej na Pomorzu może wynieść nawet 12 miliardów złotych. Westinghose Electric Poland podkreśla, że to standard przy tak dużych...

Fine for Lithuanian Railways does not cover PKN Orlen’s losses 

The European Commission fined the Lithuanian Railways EUR 28 m for removing a rail track to PKN Orlen's refinery in Mažeikiai and thus breaching...

Rzędowska: Electromobility running on hydrocarbons…?

First we need to take a small dose of condensed knowledge and theory important from the perspective of what I want to write about....

Linkevicius: Energy projects are a good start for better relations

Polish and Lithuanian relations have recently improved. They share longtime history, are NATO and EU members and it turns out that they perceive their common...

Poland on the Road to Electromobility

Electromobility is one of several strategic directions for Poland’s economic development in the near term. On March 16, 2017, the Polish government adopted the...

PZL Świdnik is working on a new version of SW-4. Krystowski: a completely new offer

We are working on a new version of the SW-4 helicopter, which will be called AW009 - CEO of PZL Świdnik Krzysztof Krystowski said...

HCSS: The Geo-economic Implications of China’s New Silk Road

China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) project was formally introduced by Chinese President Xi-Jinping in 2013. The project, aimed at integrating trade and investment...

Żornaczuk: Three Seas completed by 2025?

The Three Seas Initiative summit in Warsaw was a watershed event because it implemented a political and economic project, which for years was nothing...

Trump in Poland supports further integration in Europe. Conversation with David Koranyi

David Koranyi from Atlantic Council explains Trump's message from visit in Warsaw during the Three Seas Initative summit. The US President wants to sell LNG...

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