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Stalowy kolos liczy na LNG z USA. Odbierze je przez Polskę?

ArcelorMittal zabiega o kontrakt długoterminowy na dostawy LNG z USA w celu zapewnienia stabilności i konkurencyjności cenowej produkcji stali w Europie. Dostawy mogłyby być...

Kowalski: Dlaczego Komisja uderza w fundament bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski w sektorze gazowym?

- Należy otwarcie postawić pytanie o to, jakie firmy czy grupy interesów stoją za decyzją Komisji Europejskiej o podważeniu polskiego transparentnego i równego dla...

Czy Orlen znów rusza na zakupy? Tym razem w bazie surowcowej Baltic Pipe

Cztery źródła Reutersa potwierdzają, że Orlen jest zainteresowany kupnem udziałów kuwejckiego KUFPEC w złożach Norwegii, czyli bazie surowcowej Baltic Pipe. Po kilku fuzjach i przejęciach...

Norway’s gas deposits to last for years 

Within a decade PGNiG has invested about PLN 5.3 bn in the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Since starting production in 2012, the company has extracted...

Polish Briefing: Gazprom may be buying time in a trial with PGNiG

What goes on in Poland on the 29th of September. Gazprom may be buying time in a trial with PGNiG Outcome of arbitrage trial between PGNiG...

Polish Briefing: Enea, Orlen, PGE, PGNiG and Tauron among 250 energy giants

What goes on in Poland on the 27th of September. Estonian energy retail elephant with new deals in Polish market Estonian state-owned energy company Eesti Energia...

Jakóbik: Will PGNiG have to stop Gazprom’s expansion in Europe?

If Gazprom used European companies to steal PGNiG's strategic clients perhaps they would receive a lower price, but Poland's entire gas policy would be...

Polish Briefing: Poland pays for gas 30-40 per cent more than the West. Nord Stream 2 – a test of solidarity

What goes on in Poland on the 21st of September. Kroplewski: Poland for gas pays 30-40 per cent more than the West Nord Stream 2 construction is dangerous...

REPORT: Energy trends in Krynica. Innovations, fuel package, gas hub

During the 27th Economic Forum in Krynica energy was one of the most popular subjects. "Polish Davos" has previously initiated the direction of development...

Woźniak: Diversification is lucrative. The gas we buy is cheaper than Russian 

"Buying on the short-term market is more lucrative than the expensive Russian gas, which is why we are replacing it in our purchasing portfolio...

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