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Wojciechowski: jest nadzieja na kompromis ws. nadmiernego importu żywności z Ukrainy

Komisarz ds. rolnictwa Janusz Wojciechowski powiedział, że jest nadzieja na kompromis ws. nadmiernego importu żywności z Ukrainy. Środowe rozmowy KE z pięcioma krajami, których rolnicy odnotowali...

Friends can afford to be blunt. Ukraine may lose credibility

During a meeting with journalists and business representatives Ukraine's Energy Minister assured that from the point of view of Warsaw and Kiev the investments...

Polish Briefing: European Parliament for a more ambitious climate policy. Zero emissions until 2050

What goes on in Poland on the 6th of October. Nasalyk: Ukraine wants to be a gas hub for Southern Europe Ukraine treats new gas interconnections...

Polish Briefing: Lithuania wants to be a leader in synchronizing Baltic states with Europe through Poland

What goes on in Poland on the 4th of October. Gas deliveries through Ukraine have broken a record. Success before winter Ukrtranshaz proudly informs about gas...

Polish Briefing: EU wants to keep transit through Ukraine. Reforms are a condition

What goes on in Poland on the 22nd of September. EU invests in gas North-South Corridor 79 million euro from the European Regional Development Fund will...

Polish Briefing: Poland pays for gas 30-40 per cent more than the West. Nord Stream 2 – a test of solidarity

What goes on in Poland on the 21st of September. Kroplewski: Poland for gas pays 30-40 per cent more than the West Nord Stream 2 construction is dangerous...

Bojanowicz: Ukraine’s dilemma – coal from foes or friends

The upcoming heating season is bringing back the problem of supplying Ukrainian power and CHP stations with anthracite. Last February the government in Kiev...

Polish Briefing: Morawiecki promises millions for a fight against smog. Resistance within the government will be overcome

What goes on in Poland on the 18th of September. Morawiecki promises millions for fight against smog. Resistance in the government will be overcome The government...

Gazprom’s Web Will Ensnare Europe

In recent months, two alarming decisions have been made by the European Commission (EC). First, in October 2016, the European Commission accepted, at the...

Polish Briefing: Denmark won the war of nerves in case of Nord Stream 2. Russia is considering changing the route

What goes on in Poland on the 5th of September. Ukrainian gas warehouses attract foreign companies. Indexes best for years Instead of constant depreciation of Ukraine...

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