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Polish Briefing: Polish-Israeli military cooperation. Budget surplus

What goes on in Poland on the 21st of July

More charging stations for ecars 

The Ministry of Energy announced that by 2020 over 6 thousand charging stations for ecars will be deployed in 32 Polish cities.

„This plan obviously encompasses the infrastructure, this is not our direct responsibility, but once we will actually have a defined idea for the car we will be thinking how it should use infrastructure. Access to infrastructure and modes of its usage may be the car’s competitive advantage once it is build,” explained to Newseria Infromation Agency Piotr Zaremba, head of the ElectroMobility Poland project.

He also pointed out that the most important element of the infrastructure that services electric cars are charging stations. Today we have much too few of those in our country.

Budget surplus 

The Ministry of Finance said that according to estimates at the end of June the state budget had a PLN 5.9 billion surplus.

The earlier predictions of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily, which said that June will be yet another month with a budget surplus came true. There are two causes of the surplus: increased VAT collection and a record-high payment of profit from the Polish National Bank for last year, which was PLN 8.7 billion.

This has been the first time ever when a budget surplus took place after six months. „The surplus of the state budget after June this year was PLN 5.9 billion,” said the Ministry of Finance’s press report.

The Ministry also stated that the income between January and June was PLN 176.7 billion, i.e. 54.3% of the plan. According to estimates between January and June 2017, the state budget income was higher by PLN 25.1 billion in comparison to the same period last year. The increase of tax income remains at the high rate of 17.7% year on year.


The Act on succession offers the chance that Polish companies will be developing for generations by increasing their value and economic potential. The act also ensures an exemption from inheritance tax when the company is bought by people who will be running it, irregardless of the kinship,” Mateusz Morawiecki explained to PAP.

The Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Finances pointed that the act, which is now in consultations, will benefit mostly people who are sole proprietors.

„Succession in essence means a family loss. At a time when you lose someone close emotions appear and there is never a good moment to do something you don’t have the time or the brains to do. We are simplifying the actions that have to be taken during that hard time, we are giving a sense of confidence that the deceased’s wealth will not be lost,” he pointed.

Polish-Israeli military cooperation 

Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA (PGZ), a Polish defense company, and the state-owned Israeli concern Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) are willing to cooperate in the production of unmanned vehicles, precision ammunition, missiles and satellite intelligence-gathering systems, announced the CEOs of both companies.

PGZ CEO, Błażej Wojnicz reminded that PGZ, mostly through its subsidiary Mesko, and IAI are currently implementing missile projects. Joesph Weiss, IAI CEO, reminded about the 8-year long cooperation on modernizing Polish jet fighters and the fact that IAI has been present in Poland for over a decade.

Wojnicz pointed out that even though the memorandum the parties signed on Thursday did not apply directly to other areas of cooperation, it was an introduction to the implementation of other projects.

Weiss included in those: remotely controlled ammunition, airborne early warning and control systems and ballistic missiles refueling capabilities. IAI is also proposing adaptation of airframes of civil planes into multi-purpose military machines able to perform the function of aerial tankers. The company is also active in the space industry.

What goes on in Poland on the 21st of July

More charging stations for ecars 

The Ministry of Energy announced that by 2020 over 6 thousand charging stations for ecars will be deployed in 32 Polish cities.

„This plan obviously encompasses the infrastructure, this is not our direct responsibility, but once we will actually have a defined idea for the car we will be thinking how it should use infrastructure. Access to infrastructure and modes of its usage may be the car’s competitive advantage once it is build,” explained to Newseria Infromation Agency Piotr Zaremba, head of the ElectroMobility Poland project.

He also pointed out that the most important element of the infrastructure that services electric cars are charging stations. Today we have much too few of those in our country.

Budget surplus 

The Ministry of Finance said that according to estimates at the end of June the state budget had a PLN 5.9 billion surplus.

The earlier predictions of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily, which said that June will be yet another month with a budget surplus came true. There are two causes of the surplus: increased VAT collection and a record-high payment of profit from the Polish National Bank for last year, which was PLN 8.7 billion.

This has been the first time ever when a budget surplus took place after six months. „The surplus of the state budget after June this year was PLN 5.9 billion,” said the Ministry of Finance’s press report.

The Ministry also stated that the income between January and June was PLN 176.7 billion, i.e. 54.3% of the plan. According to estimates between January and June 2017, the state budget income was higher by PLN 25.1 billion in comparison to the same period last year. The increase of tax income remains at the high rate of 17.7% year on year.


The Act on succession offers the chance that Polish companies will be developing for generations by increasing their value and economic potential. The act also ensures an exemption from inheritance tax when the company is bought by people who will be running it, irregardless of the kinship,” Mateusz Morawiecki explained to PAP.

The Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Finances pointed that the act, which is now in consultations, will benefit mostly people who are sole proprietors.

„Succession in essence means a family loss. At a time when you lose someone close emotions appear and there is never a good moment to do something you don’t have the time or the brains to do. We are simplifying the actions that have to be taken during that hard time, we are giving a sense of confidence that the deceased’s wealth will not be lost,” he pointed.

Polish-Israeli military cooperation 

Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA (PGZ), a Polish defense company, and the state-owned Israeli concern Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) are willing to cooperate in the production of unmanned vehicles, precision ammunition, missiles and satellite intelligence-gathering systems, announced the CEOs of both companies.

PGZ CEO, Błażej Wojnicz reminded that PGZ, mostly through its subsidiary Mesko, and IAI are currently implementing missile projects. Joesph Weiss, IAI CEO, reminded about the 8-year long cooperation on modernizing Polish jet fighters and the fact that IAI has been present in Poland for over a decade.

Wojnicz pointed out that even though the memorandum the parties signed on Thursday did not apply directly to other areas of cooperation, it was an introduction to the implementation of other projects.

Weiss included in those: remotely controlled ammunition, airborne early warning and control systems and ballistic missiles refueling capabilities. IAI is also proposing adaptation of airframes of civil planes into multi-purpose military machines able to perform the function of aerial tankers. The company is also active in the space industry.

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